Rotator Cuff Tear Specialists

Are you experiencing shoulder pain, weakness, or an inability to do normal activities using your shoulder? You might have a rotator cuff tear. David Silverberg, MD, at Silver State Orthopedics in Las Vegas, has advanced training and more than 15 years of experience treating shoulder injuries. If you suspect you have a rotator cuff tear, click or call to schedule a consultation today.

What is the rotator cuff?

Your rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that surround your shoulder and keep the ball in the socket of your shoulder joint. These muscles are located at the top and back of your shoulder and provide stability.

In a rotator cuff tear, one or more tendons tear away from the muscles. Milder cases involve one tendon, whereas complex cases involve multiple tendons.

What types of rotator cuff tears are there?

These are two types of rotator cuff tears. A partial tear is incomplete and only goes through part of a tendon. A full-thickness tear goes through the entire tendon.

There are also two causes for rotator cuff tears: acute and degenerative. Acute tears occur after an injury. Degenerative tears occur slowly over time due to age and overuse. Degenerative tears are more common than acute tears.

How is a rotator cuff tear diagnosed?

A rotator cuff tear is diagnosed after a thorough evaluation and exam with Dr. Silverberg. He will ask about your injury and where your pain is located. During your physical exam, he will check your shoulder for signs of weakness, decreased range of motion, and joint movements that cause pain.

If Dr. Silverberg suspects a rotator cuff tear, he will order an MRI to survey the exact location of the tear and see how much of the muscle is torn. Based on his findings, Dr. Silverberg will diagnose your rotator cuff tear and explain the location, severity, and treatment options available.

How is a rotator cuff tear treated?

For mild to moderate rotator cuff tears, Dr. Silverberg may recommend physical therapy to address muscle imbalances, lost range of motion, and weakness. In many cases, physical therapy can reduce your need for further treatment and may prevent future rotator cuff tears.

For severe rotator cuff tears or for those that are not resolved with physical therapy, arthroscopic surgery is available. Dr. Silverberg has advanced training in shoulder and trauma surgery and the expertise to determine which procedure is the best for you.

Dr. Silverberg also offers capsular reconstruction surgery for rotator cuff tears that cannot be repaired normally. This procedure reinforces the joint capsule at the top of your shoulder to provide stability and prevent dislocation.

No matter the severity of your rotator cuff tear, Dr. Silverberg at Silver State Orthopedics has treatment options available for you. Click or call to schedule a consultation today.